Sonntag, 14. November 2021

the Intended - K.M. Rives


Allgemeines zum Buch:

                                                   Titel: The Intended - A Culling of Blood and Magic

Autor: K.M. Rives

Verlag: Selfpublisher

Preis: 18,44€ (Print); 2,69€ (eBook)

Seitenzahl: 543 (Print)

Ersterscheinung: 21.10.2021

empfohlenes Alter: 18 Jahre

Sprache: Englisch

Band 2 der Culling of Blood and Magic Reihe


Emery may have survived the Culling, but now she’s on the run.

Forced to find her way in a world of magic behind the wards of New Orleans, Emery struggles to accept her newfound identity as a witch and a mother. Her coven is demanding that she choose between the magic she’s always wanted and the child she already loves. Will Emery find the strength to fight for what matters most?

Devastated by the loss of trust in his mate and seeking revenge, Augustine throws himself into the hunt for a murderer within his kingdom. Emery remains his primary suspect, even though there is a side of him that longs for the woman who has captured his heart.

War is brewing in the supernatural world, and a long forgotten prophecy is at play. Can Augustine and Emery overcome the secrets that have torn them apart, and reconcile their past before the future catches up with them?

Mittwoch, 3. November 2021

the Replacement - K.M. Rives


Allgemeines zum Buch:

                                                   Titel: The Replacement - A Culling of Blood and Magic

Autor: K.M. Rives

Verlag: Selfpublisher

Preis: 16,60€ (Print); 3,44€ (eBook)

Seitenzahl: 390 (Print)

Ersterscheinung: 30.03.2021

empfohlenes Alter: 18 Jahre

Sprache: Englisch

Band 1 der Culling of Blood and Magic Reihe


She was never meant to be a member of the Culling. He was never supposed to find his mate. Fate stepped in to ensure both.There was only one reason the bond would choose Emery Montgomery. Her twin was dead. As soon as the silver band of the Culling appeared on her wrist, binding her to the vampire prince himself, her world turned upside down.
Forced to compete for the heart of her enemy in an archaic version of The Bachelor, Emery had only three things on her mind: Keep her witch heritage a secret, find her sister's murderer, and above all, don’t fall for the sinfully handsome prince.
August Nicholson wanted nothing to do with the pompously groomed women in his Culling, that was, until Emery showed up. She was unlike any other, calmed the dark twisted side of him few knew existed.
Instantly drawn to her, August must struggle against her intoxicating presence, because while he may want her for himself, he needs her to play her part to protect his family more.
Together, Emery and August must fight their feelings and find the culprit behind her twin’s murder, because if the Montgomery women were being hunted, Emery was next.

Lovett Island - Emilia Schilling


Allgemeines zum Buch:

                                                   Titel: Lovett Island - Sommerflüstern

Autor: Emilia Schilling

Verlag: Goldmann Verlag

Preis: 12,90€ (Print)

Seitenzahl: 428 (Print)

Ersterscheinung:  4.10.2021

Band 3 der Lovett-Island-Trilogie. NICHT unabhängig lesbar.


Gerade erst haben Maci und Trevor wieder zueinandergefunden und Pläne für die Zukunft geschmiedet, als ein Hurrikan alle Glücksgefühle dahinfegt. Der Sturm verwüstet die paradiesische Karibikinsel Lovett Island, und schlimmer noch: Trevor wird vermisst. Für Maci bricht eine Welt zusammen. Blair findet ausgerechnet bei den Menschen Halt, die sie früher abschätzig als Personal abgetan hat. Und Violet macht sich endlich auf die Suche nach ihrer Mutter und findet, wonach sich ihr Herz schon so lange gesehnt hat …

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